garnetdoll's Journal

garnetdoll's Journal


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12 entries this month

to do list

17:32 Feb 28 2009
Times Read: 574

My to do list for today---

Sit down 3 adult kids who think and act like they own and run this house and explain to them the facts of life.

Facts of life:

1. This isn’t your house. It is your home, but last I checked the bills were ALL being paid by Mom and Dad.

2. Since the rent and all utilities which include, electric, gas, water, cable, phone, internet, and cell phone bills are being paid 100% by Mom and Dad, I really don’t give a flying flip if you are tired or have done the dishes the last 3 times! I am tired too, mainly of paying for all of your expenses! Want equal say in what jobs are done around here? Then pony up the cash to enjoy the luxury of having a say so.

3. I am the parent, you are the child and no I do NOT care that each of you are in your 20’s! You will NOT again snap your fingers at me and begin pointing to things that need to be done while you are cleaning up any room, that includes the kitchen and taking out the trash! When you start paying for every single thing used, utilized, or benefited from your own jobs then you may have the right to ask for help. Until then, suck it up, shut it up and do what needs to be done around here or find yourself doing without. AND, while we were at it, you will NO longer slam my dishes, chipping them, breaking them or slam doors to rooms and cabinets to express your passive aggressive anger over doing a chore around here. How would you like it if I started ripping apart or into your belongings to express our frustration of being treated like a convenient store or ATM machine?

4. We are your parents and we will do whatever it is that is necessary for you to have the help you need, HOWEVER that does NOT mean we owe it to you. We did our jobs seeing to it that you were raised and have reached the age of consent, adulthood and assumed responsibility for yourselves! Want to be treated as adults to the ages befitting your birth dates…then get up off your butts and go to work and start doing something to better your circumstances! We will never deny you a home or a roof over your head, but with adulthood and the ages you are so proud to announce comes a responsibility to care for yourself.

5. If you have decided to make reckless and irresponsible choices expect to be treated as a child. Expect us to repeat back to you your own words…”I’m over 21 and I can think for myself and I will do whatever I want to do.” Ok, that’s fine. As a person over the age of 21 you are now responsible to pay your own medical expenses, rent, phone bills, food, cosmetics, clothing, toiletries, cigarettes, booze, shoes, etc etc etc.

6. You share a living space with 4 other grown adults, respect their space, their things, their peace and quiet. If you want to play your brand of music in this house, then keep it at a level where you are not disturbing the peace of the others in this house or for that matter the rest of this neighborhood! I do not EVER want to hear that music coming from within the walls of my home that I pay for that sounds like a group of individuals puking to some sort of chaotic strumming of stringed instruments that used be considered guitars to talented musicians.

7. Want to move out? Fine, go, but when you do remember these famous words…”THE BUCK STOPS HERE!” You leave, and ALL these things you have grown accustomed to, heat, water for those long hot showers, food to feed the rumbling hunger in your bellies, laundry, shampoo to wash your hair, which I paid for to have cut, styled, dyed, whatever…cigarettes that you smoke, booze that you drink, clothes that you wear, medical expenses because you think you may be ill or birth control so you can go out laying with so-n-so..all of that is on you. And NO I don’t care to be a grandmother just yet is not a reasonable argument to get me to pay for your birth control any longer.

I'm sure this list will be longer as I start the conversation tonight when we sit these 3 ungrateful individuals down to have this little chat…I just wanted to write down my jumping off point and gather my thoughts…I am so tired of being told “I have the best Mommy in the world” when they are being appreciative for 5 seconds, and then being taken for granted thereafter.



20:27 Feb 28 2009

yeah that is shameful. I'm 27 and due to circumstances have found myself with my child living at home with my parents. I would never dream of acting that way. I pick up after my child's messes, do the dishes in the morning, and keep our two rooms clean. At present, i can't do the kitty litter or bathroom cause i'm pregnant and those are no no's but i do everything i can to help my parents. I even use my food stamps to help tide the fact that i am a drain on their finances.

You are in the right, had i done that to my parents, yeah my child would have a place to stay always. but my behind would be out on the pavement. no questions asked. No matter what the age is, there is no excuse for not helping out and showing respect. Go get em

22:55 Feb 28 2009

those kids have run you through the wringer doll.

i have watched it for to long. if i lived near you i would be one of their least favorite people to see around your home.

03:40 Mar 02 2009

yeah parents rule you go girl


domestic violence

21:59 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 584

Well, it was a long night last night...but physical abuse always makes for a long day.

At 12:30 AM I got a phone call on my cell, the special ringer, ‘You are my sunshine’ that I have for my youngest daughter started playing. I answered it thinking it was my daughter, it wasn’t, it was her boyfriend who is bi-polar and refusing to take his meds for over a month.

He immediately says to me that he is worried about Gabby, I asked worried in what way…he said physically. Then I asked why, was she sick…he said no he thought he might have hurt her a little when he ‘squeezed’ her arm to take her phone away from her.

This is a young man who is incredibly intelligent but who has been reckless with his own life and health for well over a month now and I have gotten to that point where I am fed up with all the so-called problems he has. For over a month now we have all been subjected to one Victor story, complaint, and his theory’s to the point we want to gag just hearing his name being said.

I hung up on him at one point last night because I wasn’t going to sit here and listen to him try to justify putting his hands on my daughter.

Well, it all ended up with the cops being called, and my son and I having to drive all the way into the city, which takes about an hour to get there to pick Gabby up and bring her home. Her arm and wrist are bruised, she’s shaken up, but the sick part of all of this is that she is still defending him saying he wouldn’t have hurt her if it wasn’t for his mental condition being out of control.

I finally got to bed at around 9 this morning and slept, but I still feel drained from the entire ordeal. The whole mess has brought up so many horrible memories of being married to my first husband and the abuse I allowed to continue for 13 very long years. My sleep was fitful I kept having dreams and nightmares about being smacked and punched and burnt with cigarettes…I am sitting here so nervous my hands are shaking and I just want to scream.

I know that what she went through last night and I have been where she’s at, trying to justify and explain away someone’s actions of putting their hands on her…I have tried to talk to her but she isn’t at the point yet to see that her relationship with Victor is not healthy.

I can’t eat, which is causing issues with my sugar levels…this has to be one of the worst days I have had in I don’t even know how long. How am I going to get through to her? How do I say what needs to be said without losing my own mind to so many horrible flashes of her father beating and nearly killing me so many times?

Goddess help me, I feel so totally lost right now.




surviving a religious cult

18:04 Feb 16 2009
Times Read: 597

Since I have joined back on the 30th, I have gotten to talk with some really nice people on here…One of the things a few of us have talked about is our interests in different areas. One thing I do that I am very passionate about is I organized a support/survivors group called Surviving Xenos.

Surviving Xenos is to help educate, support and exchange information about how a cult is formed and how it has nearly destroyed lives. I am a Xenos Survivor. If anyone cares to read any of my own writings about my life, please feel free to vist http://www.blurty.com/users/trinketann_62

Xenos Christian Fellowship of Columbus Ohio, no matter how many ways or how loudly they protest, is indeed a cult in my opinion, but then again, that is my prevailing opinion on almost ALL mega-churches.

But, setting aside my basic opinion on mega churches in general I look at a list, a criteria published by several well-known authors and experts on identifying and exposing such places. Here are a few lists, PLUS the links were additional information can be found on what to look for if you feel you are being taken in by a cult.



Are you told not to question what is being taught because the leaders are honest and want the best for you so you must trust them. Has someone replaced your own choices in life.

Are you told not to ask questions why anyone left, your to accept the answers the leaders give you such as: they fell into sin, they didn’t receive correction, they weren’t open or they had a bad heart and didn’t want to be disciples

Are you told that you must be with their certain church or group to be saved and not by Jesus Christ.

If you want to leave are you being told their is no other church that practices truth, you will go to hell.

Are you made to feel your failures, that your performance is not up to par for the bibles standard

Are you being rebuked for things such as the way you say hello or how you respond to being asked to do something for a leader or disciple. Do they tell you its a matter of the heart how one complies.

Are they putting down other church’s and building themselves up. Do they sometimes use people as examples of what you are to be doing and others on what you are not to be doing.

Do they bring attention to what they do, and ignoring others that may be doing the same things outside their church.

Do they put down others to make themselves look better, calling themselves righteous and others unrighteous

Do they call those who leave fall away’s and enemies, dogs returning to their own vomit, using the examples of Korah or Judas.

Do they stop you from reading anything negative about themselves calling it spiritual pornography or recommend you not to read it for your own spiritual protection.

Do they recommend for you to be around their people expecting you to be at all the group activities. If not you're spirituality and dedication are questioned.

Do they defend all that they do even though it can be harmful or wrong.

Do they operate by humility or are they arrogant and demand you to obey if you are considering otherwise. Or is it done subtly by manipulating you into obeying by statements such as, real Christians obey their leaders or if you were following Jesus you would see what I’m saying is right. true disciples did not question Jesus.


People telling you how talented you are and saying you can really go places. (flattery goes a long way in cults)

An instant bonding of friendship without your knowing who they are or they really knowing you, they act as your best friend (love bombing still works).

When you ask questions about their history or the group they are vague in their answers or avoid answering them. (not answering or postponing it makes it go away)

Are you required to attend studies, going through the program before you are allowed to be a Christian. (this will attach you to the groups goals)

Are they emphasizing their church and who they are, more than Christ. They teach that one can only be a Christian by joining them. (exclusive spirituality appeals to our pride and works well today)

Cults will always divide the family unit instead of bringing them together. They will make you choose between God and their church. they use scriptures such as Jesus came to bring a sword not peace or one must give up brothers sisters wife and house for the kingdom and be a true follower Children often become the most hurt because of strict rules enforced on them.they lose their childhood and are deeply affected being unable to adjust later on in life.Religious systems that are not balanced can be socially and psychologically disastrous for innocent children. (click here to go to facts on Jehovah Witnesses and children)

What to do when confronted to join

Say you're not interested and do not put up with their badgering and phone calls.Tell them you want time to think about what they are teaching before you become committed to their group. If they pressure you for attendance or continuing in their studies then you know this is not something good.

If you are already a member, leave while it may be easy because it doesn’t get easier to leave later on.


You have every right to ask questions, lots of them in fact. Ask about what other churches they are affiliated with.

What is their history and the people involved and those they look up to for spiritual teaching. What books influenced them or what do they read.

What is their doctrine, is their basic beliefs and philosophy of ministry on paper. If not, why not.

Can you review on paper their revenues, are they open to the people and public. Do they review who gives what to the Church. Are peoples finances monitored?

If others left can you find out why, or is mum the word. Do they allow you to speak to former members. If this is not allowed, this becomes the biggest check in joining quickly. Watch if they become uncomfortable in your asking about their origins or teachings.

Give yourself some time if you're seeking to know God or looking for a church he will give you warnings and lead you. Don’t ignore the warning signs or checks on how they conduct themselves no matter how friendly the people are . Love and emotional attachments are an old ruse to have you accepted without any strings attached. This doesn’t last long. Ask what they do on their spare time .Many times ones talent and creativity is smothered as all their time goes toward the group or church.

Where do all the people in cults come from?

Ron Rhodes writes in his book "The Culting of America," "It is a common myth that unbelievers join Cults." Percentages show that those who join these aberrant groups formerly attended Christian Churches.

Dr. Paul Martin of Wellspring Retreat (where cultists adjust from their harmful experiences) writes, "Twenty-five percent formerly attended evangelical, fundamental churches. Over 40 % had backgrounds in large, more liberal Protestant denominations."

Lately the International Churches of Christ probably have the greatest percentage of Church converts. Because their main goal is to go into the Christian Churches and remove people.

Their are 2 categories of cults one is doctrinally the other is sociologically.

1. Almost all cults deny the Apostles creed which consists of the virgin birth, deity of Christ, his resurrection, his atonement aon the cross nd 2nd coming. They have tendency to pronounce other groups as apostate and they alone have the truth.

3. They devalue or deny the deity of Christ.

4. They have Extra sources of biblical revelation they may use Gods word with something else to interpret it

5. They have salvation by works -either denying God's grace or add performance. It will not always be easy to spot. Mormons say they are saved by grace-this means from death and not the penalty of sin.

6. They will deny a major doctrine. Cult like groups take a minor doctrine and make it a major. Ex: you must speak in tongues to be saved.

The following are basic patterns, or characteristics, found in almost all cults that one can easily identify.

Additions - Cults add to the Word of God by having additional writings they call scripture, or by saying that only the Bible is God's Word but you cannot understand it without their interpretation from their own teachers or books. The Bible is discouraged to be read alone.

Subtraction - Cults subtract from the Person of Jesus by saying he is something less than Eternal Deity. Or they will add their own teacher as deity.

Multiplication - Every false religion has works as part of their system of salvation. They also usually specify what works must be performed at a certain level for acceptance to their group and God.

Mediators- They will always have others involved for ones salvation by others. For the J.W.’s it is the 144,000. for the International Churches of Christ its discipleship partners. For Mormons it is to join their church for salvation and use their materials- Doctrine and Covenants, Journal of Discourses and the Melchizedek priesthood.

Divisive - Cults have people choose by dividing a person's loyalty. It's God through their leadership by claiming to be the only Spokesman or group for God. They also require obedience to their leadership to be in right standing with God. They do not tolerate another’s differing opinions and it is looked upon as being divisive or of the enemy.


American Family Foundation (14 Characteristics)

1. The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.

2. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

3. The group is preoccupied with making money.

4. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

5. Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

6. The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel (for example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so forth).

7. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).

8. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society.

9. The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations).

10. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting money for bogus charities).

11. The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.

12. Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group.

13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.

14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

And PLEASE…if you are in such a group and want to leave, please take a look at this site, it gives some wonderful information on how to exit a cult.






15:03 Feb 15 2009
Times Read: 604

I am sitting here and trying to think of anything to keep myself busy and not think about the day. It won’t work though, I will still think, I will still remember and yes, I find myself crying over another special day that will never be again.

My mother used to make this phone call to me every year on the same day, it was a long standing joke between us. You see, I was a preemie baby I came almost a month early, so on the 15th of every February, the day I was actually due to be born she would call me up and tell me how anxious I was to cause her pain and she’s been suffering ever since. She didn’t mean it in a bad way of course, just her way of playing a weird joke. We would laugh and I would always think how this was getting a little old year after year…guess what? It didn’t and now, sighs----I would give anything to have it back.




63 years

05:56 Feb 15 2009
Times Read: 609




12:46 Feb 15 2009

hehe, V.good ..


I really do miss Mother

16:37 Feb 09 2009
Times Read: 614

What is it about some days when you just cannot, no matter how hard you try, get something out of your head?

(sighs) She died back in Aug. I know this. How is it that I wake up and just feel her here? Reading jokes I know she would have loved and I think, Oh wow, that’s cute or that’s funny I should call Mother…and then it hits me, she’s gone.

I want to scream and throw a fit, my heart feels so heavy right now it’s actually hard to breathe.

Beyond this profound sadness I am so angry…I want to drive all the way into the city and walk into her doctors office and just …I don’t know, yell, scream, rip him a new ass.

I know she was in her 80’s, she was old, and older people have complaints but just to sit there and do nothing about those complaints is reckless and cruel, it’s criminal! For almost two years she complained, we all begged her to go to another doctor, she refused to go. Made her appointments and took her without her knowing where she was going, and she wouldn’t go inside. FUCK! I am so mad!

She beat it once, or did she? Were they telling us they got it all just to appease us because they knew she was going to die and just wanted to spare us from spinning our wheels for something that couldn’t be helped?

That damn doctor of hers sat there listening to her complain month after month and did nothing….nothing! By the time it was so obvious that something was wrong she was being taken out by ambulance and then the whole month long nightmare truly began. It was one thing after another, one system failure after another, total breakdown of her body. She didn’t deserve that!

So much blood, so much pain, things I will never be able to unsee in my mind…Why did that doctor have to make these horrid pictures of memories of her suffering a constant reminder? Why did he take away what she looked like before all of that? Why can’t I remember what she looked like before that?




my day

20:16 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 616

oooooooooook....I'm having WAY too much fun!

But at least I can multi-task with the best of them!

Oh my Goddess...I am soooooo hyper! Here I am fighting flu symptoms but having a blast, go figure that one out! (not too hard...I got good meds!)




pet peeves

01:19 Feb 06 2009
Times Read: 633

Ever wonder just how many pet peeves we as individuals have? I was thinking about this earlier today and thought, man there is a lot of crap that annoys the sh*t out me!

That stupid expression, “No one can hurt you, unless you let them.”

Getting greeting cards that have that sparkly glitter crap that goes everywhere when you open the envelope.

People who don’t wipe their greasy hands before handling the salt and pepper shakers.

Parent’s who allow their kids to scream and throw temper tantrums in public places instead of teaching them not to do that.

Door to door religious nutts.

The sign that is directly posted onto the tunnel on RT 670 after you rounded the curve that reads, “Flashing when tunnel is closed.” Uhm, by the time you can see it, it’s too late, and there is nowhere to turn back around.

Braille signs at drive thru windows.

Those medication ads that lists a bunch of really frightening side affects, I actually heard one that said, “can cause anal leakage….ANAL LEAKAGE! Wouldn’t that be a case of a cure being worse than the disease?

People who spit while they walk…do you realize that the rest of us have to walk through that sometimes?

Those strange cut out type haircuts…like lightening bolts or arrows. Bet those are some pictures they’ll be trying to hide when they have kids of their own.

The baggy, pants down around the curve of your butt fashion.

Severe makeup lines, like really dark lip-liner and really light lipstick…makes me wonder if you got enough coloring time as a child.

Forks in restaurants that has a bent tine.

People who stop about 5 feet outside a theater door or some such place that has a mass group of people leaving at the same time, they stop so they can search for their keys or put on a coat etc, blocking the way for other people to exit as well.

Public bathrooms…omg, I hate public bathrooms! There is not one redeeming thing about using a public facility. It is inevitable, there is at least one if not more of these things wrong no matter where you go --- no working lock on the door, water all over the floor, toilet backed up with things in it not mentionable, no toilet paper in the dispenser, no hook to hang a coat or purse which means you have to try to hold it while taking down your pants or set them down and let them get wet from the floor, worst case is having to hold your coat, and your purse while trying to take down your pants AND hold the door shut because of no lock. No ass gaskets, those paper thingies to put on the toilet seats to keep your butt germ free, so now you have to hover over the toilet usually while holding your coat, have your purse between your teeth, at the same time as holding the door shut and then the person in the next stall overflows their toilet and you find that you need to lift your feet to avoid them getting “stuff” on them…Nightmare I tell ya!

What’s truly sad about this list---it’s only partially completed!



07:21 Feb 07 2009

are you using my brain today? i have some of these too!

18:55 Feb 08 2009

let me add my two all time faves

people who eat in public and chew with their mouths open

i dont want to see that

and people who dont teach their children to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze aggghhhh

18:48 Feb 16 2009

I have a huge list of pet peeves as well, ironically both me and my man share the same ones lol



19:26 Feb 03 2009
Times Read: 638




03:56 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 653

I know on here there are ways of moving up through the levels and all, and one of them is the rating thing.

Now I have enjoyed seeing all the profiles and making a stamp and all of that, but let me tell ya, some of these people take this stuff WAY too seriously!

I have looked and seen profiles that have been here a while, sure a lot of them look like total chaos some are bare to the bones, mostly new people, like myself. Maybe they just don’t have the time I have had this weekend to put into it, whatever. I have seen profiles that made me want to run for the nearest corner, pull a towel or something over my head, and I have seen profiles with a lot of negative energy and attitudes.

A few I backed off and didn’t rate at all because the energy was all wrong for me, in which case I won’t rate, not even a low number. Most of the time I look I read and even though I may find some of what was said or posted is not of my choosing I still rated a 10 because of the time and effort the person put into making it speak about who they are is something that should be rewarded.

So, there ya go, that’s my rating system…a 10 for effort, a back off for negative energy….there is no in between, one thing I truly hate in this world is hurting someone’s feelings.

Maybe someday that might change, who knows…but for now I am quite content to do it my way.



18:57 Feb 08 2009

"smiles" glad i wasnt a negative

i tend to rate on content

but it is rare for me to give a six or below

if the person really hasnt tried i wont rate them



02:50 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 657



my thanks

00:14 Feb 01 2009
Times Read: 580

Well I wondered what I would write as a first entry on a vampire site, still not sure what…so I’m gonna wing it!

I guess to start off with I would really like to thank Moonkissed for all her help in pointing and steering me in the right direction here, even if she did drag me from my corner where I was pouting, and playing with doll heads.

Would also like to say thanks to all the people who have messaged me, commented and rated my profile. It’s been fun all day!

I normally don’t get the chance to show this side of myself so it’s as new to me as being here! Hopefully it won’t take me forever to figure out stuff and stop feeling overwhelmed! Hahaha!

Anyway---thanks to all for making me feel welcome, for the advice, the flirts, and well----everything!




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